Author page: Bad Fad


I started last week with Fady. I noticed my attitude and my moral to working out has changed completely.
I love how he is so patient with me, and so detailed with positioning and<BR><!–more–>
making sure each movement I do is 100% accurate. His spirit to fitness is at a whole new level and he inspires me to be the best I can be.
I just want to say thanks for motivating me and keeping me accountable to each and everyday of our workouts

Push, Pull, Leg Method

If you are feeling frustrated with your current progress, try and switch it up… What is the push-pull leg method you ask…?  Well, to sum it up, a push-pull workout is one where you choose a muscle group and perform a set of exercises that use those muscles in a pushing direction. Then immediately or during your next workout, you…

Fitness For Beginners

Fitness For Beginners Most people start with a reason; A new year, new fitness resolutions Starting a new workout routine or a new “diet” can be challenging. Especially when you don’t know where to start…  You’ll want to help your whole body promote endurance, balance and core strength. All you need is a little bit of floor space and a…


Stretching Stretching should be on the top of people’s healthy to-do lists…  Unfortunately it’s not… Adding it to your daily routine can be highly beneficial… It shows that post-workout stretching, where you hold a pose for 10 to 30 seconds. Also it can improve range of motion around your joints… Some call this “Static Stretching”… Stretching after you exercise can…

Gym Etiquette and My 7 Rules

Gym Etiquette and My 7 Rules You Should Always ask… Ask if someone is using a machine or piece of equipment, ask if you can or if their done with it… Don’t walk up and grab a plate from the rack when someone is bench pressing… It’s extremely rude… Please Put Your Weights Back… This should go without saying but…

The Struggles of a Cancer Survivor

The Struggles of a Cancer Survivor Finding a normal after beating cancer, wasn’t as easy as most think… Many survivors say that cancer changes them… After treatment, I felt different, even though I looked the same… With time, I found a new way of living. Many call this a “new normal”… It may take months or years to find a…

Stay Positive

Stay Positive We all think of the word “positive,” or “positivity” most of us probably think “happy, or joy” However, happiness isn’t the only type of positivity. There are so many ways to be positive in life, even when you’re experiencing sadness, anger, or challenges… Many of our experiences in life are a result of how we react and or…

Importance of Sleep

Importance of Sleep Not getting enough sleep can have negative impacts on our mental and physical health… Being engaged, having depression, staying alert and little things like memory, maintaining motivated all come with a good night sleep… Sleep helps your immune system stay strong. The less you sleep, the harder it can be to fight common infections. Not to mention…

Consistency is key

Consistency is key I’ve learned that consistency is the key to the best results… Not only in the gym, but eating healthy and maintaining a healthy balanced “diet”… How many carbs and fat is enough? What foods are allowed and what can or can not be eaten… We have all heard of “Calories In, Calories Out”.  The idea on this…

My first post

My first post I know what you are thinking… “Great, another blog site”… I’m aware of the 76 million blogs (at least) worldwide . But I’m hoping I can reach out to people who have that passion for fitness… October 10th, 2018 stands out for me as it was the day I started my journey to healthy living and goals…